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Odtworzeń: 1137
Czas: 5m 21s
Opinie: 37
Reakcje: 58
Opis: Najpiękniejsze miejsca na Ukrainie 4K The Most Beautiful Places in Ukraine .

- Fajny ten Lwów... Taki Polski
- Красиво с высоты смотреть
- sauper country
- Charming. The only differences between this place and anytown USA are that first off you notice less overweight people- only about half as many glued to a cell phone, better dressed while still casual, disregard for stamping one brand everywhere, (enhanced ability to non-conform) so nature and personal input are respected, COLORS! YES! No shame here! AND they have had real architects for YEARS!
- The quality of video is insane. What camera do you use ?
- Any famous restaurant in Downtown Kiev thx
- Beautiful city! Greetings from Poland!
- such a clean city ,
- antastic video thank you so much for sharing. I ALMOST WENT THERE
- I love you ukraine , from turkey !! UA TR
- Kiev is very beautiful. I loved your video tour; I give you a thousand qualifications, I hope you upload more videos like this one. regards
- You walked in many of the same places I did when I was staying at the Dnipro Hotel. Thanks for the memory flash back. Great place in spring summer & fall.
- I love you ukraine , from turkey !! UA TR
- such a clean city ,
- You walked in many of the same places I did when I was staying at the Dnipro Hotel. Thanks for the memory flash back. Great place in spring summer & fall.
- Charming. The only differences between this place and anytown USA are that first off you notice less overweight people- only about half as many glued to a cell phone, better dressed while still casual, disregard for stamping one brand everywhere, (enhanced ability to non-conform) so nature and personal input are respected, COLORS! YES! No shame here! AND they have had real architects for YEARS!
- The quality of video is insane. What camera do you use ?
- antastic video thank you so much for sharing. I ALMOST WENT THERE
- Are you serious?? It ended right when it was getting good!