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Odtworzeń: 37577
Czas: 1m 1s
Opinie: 321
Reakcje: 12
Opis: The Fryderyk Chopin Museum in Warsaw is located in the baroque Ostrogski Castle on the Vistula embankment. It is home to the world’s largest collection of Chopiniana, comprising autographs, notes, letters, manuscripts and objects once belonging to the compos .

- Wow.. amazing. I must visit in my lifetime
- Chopin, You are the best forever and always. 🎹🎹🎶🎶😄😄💖💖🎵🎵🎶🎶🎹🎹🌟🌟👏👏👑👑👌
- I love you Chopin so much💕 I hope i could visit chopin’s birthplace and museum in 2019
- Which piece is this from FC?
- Looks great, thanks guys :)